Time Hop

Today, my Time Hop app reminded me of a complaint I made on Facebook last year on this day about Grumpy Kelsey.

Screen Shot 2015-12-15 at 3.33.51 PM.png

That got me to thinking about a year ago, about Kelsey’s current state, and about 2015 in general…


If I were to look back through Christmas cards from years past, I would find Dave singing a very familiar tune on his notes to me.  Dave is an EXCELLENT card writer, by the way.  Seriously, every time I go to write a Happy Anniversary note or a Merry Christmas, Husband note, I cringe knowing how witty and heartfelt Dave’s message will be…all the while not knowing what to write myself…only to end up saying something like “I love you so much!  Thanks for being you!”  Anyway, I digress.

Like I was saying, the last 6-7 years of Dave’s sweet Christmas cards say something like, “20__” was a tough year…”20__” will be our best year yet!!  He’s more eloquent, but you get the gist.  All of our child-rearing years have been SO FREAKING HARD and we keep waiting for the next year to get better…easier…healthier.

Time Hop and Facebook’s similar new feature that show you exactly what you said, posted and took a picture of last year (or 2 or 3 or 4 years ago) can be great, terrible, embarrassing, humbling, adorable, irritating, and wonderful all in one.  Today it brought me peace.

Kelsey still has a LONG WAY TO GO (sorry to shout but it’s true), but her mood, contentment, and happiness have improved dramatically from this time last year.  I told a dear friend last year that Kelsey wasn’t living.  She was only surviving.  And that was totally true.  She would eat.  She would sleep.  She didn’t mind a drive in the car or a book or two, but that’s about it.  She didn’t play.  She didn’t find joy in much.  Laughs were hard to come by.  Social situations sucked.  People always asked “is she tired?  What’s Wrong?  Is she having a bad day? Toddlers, right?!” Nope.  That’s just her.

Well a year later she is laughing and playing her butt off!  She has favorite toys…favorite people…and her own agenda, but she finds joy in each day and that makes me so happy. And it also makes life So.  Much. Easier.

And for that I am thankful.  But, I wouldn’t say that 2015 was our best year yet.  I so hope 2016 kicks 2015’s butt!  (Sorry for using the ‘b’ word twice in one post.  That’s it.  I promise).

In the spring, we learned that Kelsey was having significant seizure activity.  She is medicated on a daily basis for it and it will be something that she will very well live with for the rest of her life.  This awful diagnosis was a major turning point for her mood and contentment.  So while I can’t say, by any means, that I’m happy she has epilepsy, I am happy that it was a likely reason she was in a development hiatus for about 6-9 months.  And that the medication that stopped her seizures helped her to play, laugh and learn.


This year was also difficult because my mom had some major medical challenges occur in the summer  That’s all I’ll say about that, but…well, it sucked.  She is on the mend but still recovering.


That brings us to the fall.  Ben has had a really tough second grade year so far.  He got a cold during the second week of school.  Add on two more colds and some first-timer allergies and and he hasn’t been able to breathe out of his nose since Labor Day.  Oh, and in between that he broke his foot and was in a walking boot or immobile or limping for the better part of two months.  😦  Not great for a kid who has to work so hard to function like the general population.

After Thanksgiving, we also had to say goodbye to a beloved family member…our Chocolate Lab, Ray Lewis.  He was almost 11 and suffered a stroke (we think) and it was time. We miss him terribly.

All of that being said, we did have a lot of joy this year.  We became more active in our church, traveled a TON, won a highly esteemed designation (and prize-trip) at work, celebrated 10 years of wedded bliss, and were able to eat out as a family and not want to pull our hair out.

We lost teeth, avoided MAJOR surgery, kicked butt (DAMN!) in the school talent show, played golf, and visited the White House.

We learned how to walk with a walker!  We learned how to ride a bike!  We started a blog!

2015 was very hard.  But it was also very good.  I know every year is hard and good in one way or another.  But I reeeeeeeally hope that 2016 is a healthy year for my family.  Do you hear that Santa?  That’s all I want for Christmas and in 2016.  Health and Happiness.  (And maybe a little walking and talking! But I don’t want to be too greedy).

So from my family to yours, may this holiday season be merry, bright and filled with light! And here’s to a year of all things wonderful in 2016.

Thanks for reading, friends.  See ‘ya in the New Year!

7 thoughts on “Time Hop

  1. What a year! And as Dave would say, “You handle it with such grace”! My sole wish and prayer is for a healthy and happy 2016 for all of you. Love, Mom


  2. Merry Christmas and the happiest New Year possible to your family, Kim. Great read for us all to remember to lead a life with gratitude. If you can do it, anyone can.


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