Kim Larrick Concierge

Ladies and Gentlemen! I’d like to announce my newest venture!  As you may know, Retail Therapy has always been one of my favorite ways to cope with this challenging life I lead. It’s a healing activity for me, albeit a tough one on our bank account.  So, I’m going to put my talents to a more useful purpose and shop FOR YOU!

Do you hate shopping?  The lines, going to multiple stores, picking through racks!?

Are you short on time and shopping is at the bottom of your list?

Do you love parties but hate planning and finding supplies for them?

Do you want to spruce up your space but don’t know where to start?

Do you need the perfect outfit for an event?

Do you need help looking put-together for work or social events?

Well, I’m your girl!

For $20 per hour, I will help you plan and shop for your home, your party and your closet.  Attention to details, organization and creativity are all things that I excel at.  

HOME-I will come to your house, look at your space, discuss what you like and dislike, and make a plan for helping you to find the perfect pieces to make your home feel warm and inviting, and look wonderful.  I’ll go on the hunt for the pieces and come back to help you decorate.

PARTY- It’s all in the details and themes are my jam!  I help you plan, shop for supplies, and organize the timeline and party prep.  I can make your Pinterest Party Dreams a reality!

CLOSET-I’ll help you assess and organize what you have, get rid of what you don’t need and find the right items and accessories to make you feel confident about what to wear each day!

Contact me today and we will get started! I can’t wait to help you!




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